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Your Go-To Truck Leveling Kit Experts in Jacksonville

With decades of industry experience on our side, we are confident we can handle any leveling kit job we are presented with. We have installed thousands of lifts and leveling kits at American Custom Truck Shop. Our experienced truck technicians can custom-fit your truck or Jeep into a massive lift or a clean, leveled look. We offer all the top names in the industry at competitive prices and we stand behind the great work that we do. We love trucks and it shows! Anyone looking for a trustworthy custom truck shop to handle their lift or leveling kit project should stop by our Jacksonville shop today.

white truck with new leveling kits

There’s No Truck Leveling Kit Our Team Can’t Handle

Lifting and leveling kit jobs can be dangerous to perform on your own. For this reason, we recommend allowing our truck experts to handle the installation process. With our leveling kit services, we can help you achieve a clean, even look and higher ground clearance. You’ll soon have the freedom to install larger tire and wheel combinations for your off-roading excursions. We provide truck leveling kit products from some of the top manufacturers in the country at competitive prices. We also warranty both our leveling kit products and our work, so you can have confidence each time you get behind the wheel.

Contact Us Today to Get Started on Your Leveling Kit Project

With American Custom Truck Shop’s team of experienced technicians, you can achieve the custom truck or Jeep you have always wanted. We also provide and install lowering kits for anyone looking to lower their lifted truck. We have the experience and know-how to install even the most complex lifts on trucks, both new and old. Stop wasting your time scouring truck forums for hours on end and come in to speak with our truck experts. We can tell you from experience what works best, what will fit, and what options you have for your specific truck. Come in today and speak with one of our truck experts about your next leveling kit project.

Stop by Our Jacksonville Shop Today for Your Ideal Custom Truck Repairs